Hello. In Ukraine, our country is still at war (it's more than war is terror).
1. Many people died: civilians, many children.
2. More than 700 different types of missiles have been launched in our country, including those banned by all authorities, such as vacuum - and we have not even been given military planes to protect ourselves from this ...
3. The russians have shattered our entire cities and civilian homes, many educational hospitals and even maternity hospitals.
4. Hundreds of thousands of people were left homeless and without a future.
5. The russians seized the Chernobyl and Zarozhye nuclear power plants, and Chernobyl also buried nuclear waste. Currently, there is no electricity because of the russians, and it is unknown how it will end.
6. russia has started threatening with chemical and biological weapons ... which, incidentally, they used in Syria ...
7. We are grateful to all the people and peoples who support us (all rallies and public support), this is a great help as humanitarian (refugees, medicines, basic necessities, and financial donations) and volunteer (volunteers, doctors, military volunteers) , we really appreciate it and are very grateful for such unprecedented support.
8. My family and I continue to periodically hide from the air siren threat, but are generally alive and well.
I continue to be at home and have already dealt with my emotions and shock a bit. I will work and draw patterns and support the economy of my country while I am alive and well and there is no chemical or nuclear death.
Thank you to everyone who supports me, and I'm sorry I didn't answer before, there were a lot of letters and I had very little free time. I have a little more time now.
Here is an account to help on the official website of the National Bank, if you want to support our country (many have asked me about it, so I'm writing here)
There are different purposes https://bank.gov.ua/en/

1 comment
Hello Irina, I have made many stars from your patterns. They are quite beautiful! Sending prayers to you and Ukraine. You have an amazing leader who will do everything for his people. Puck Futon!!! Be safe, my Dear.