I have a friend and colleague. She is a leather pattern designer. despite the fact that there was shelling in her city, she created a pattern for a convenient pencil holder, with the well-known phrase of heroic people who refused to surrender when a Russian warship arrived.
Also later, the Georgian ship used this phrase and refused to refuel the Russian warship and told them to take oars and row with oars, since they ran out of fuel. This kind of humor through sadness is very typical for Ukrainians.
She will send all the money from the sale of it to the needs of the army to protect it.
Try your hand at leatherworking. Perhaps you already have experience with leather.
Here is the pattern https://patternleater.com/.../russian-ship-go-fuck-yourself/
Here is a video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3HwtrCs9rY